Friday, September 6, 2024 Newsletter

"Light pollution linked to higher Alzheimer's risk...."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 06 September 2024, 1555 UTC.

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Read: Light Pollution Linked to Higher Alzheimer’s Risk, Especially in Younger Adults

stacked, frozen fish at a market

Fish Gut Bacteria Yield Promising Compounds for Anti-Aging Skincare

giant twin galaxies

Monster Galaxies: Science Poetry Friday!

Newborn baby in swaddling

Beneficial Bacteria in Newborns Could Lead to Breakthrough Probiotic Treatments

Nature’s own chemistry could help reduce waste and improve health

Nearly three out of four people (72%) across 18 G20 countries support making it a criminal offence for government or leaders of large businesses to approve or permit actions which cause serious damage to nature and climate

New Survey Reveals Strong Support for Criminalizing Environmental Damage in G20 Countries

galaxy seen from the side

New AI Distinguishes Dark Matter from Cosmic Interference

Pterosaurs standing

New Pterosaur Fossils Reveal Diverse Flight Styles in Giant Flying Reptiles

In California, more than half of ride-hailing trips replace more sustainable transport options: Study

Expoplanet hotspot

Iron Winds Sweep Across Ultra-Hot Exoplanet WASP-76 b


Sign of the Times: University Launches Nation’s First Master’s in Explosion Protection

Malassezia globosa

Skin Fungus Found to Accelerate Breast Cancer Growth

ollowing treatment with the bispecific antibody. © Charité | Arne Sattler

Cancer Drug Shows Remarkable Results in Treating Severe Lupus

hooded figure at laptop

Small Group of Users Dominate Anti-Immigration Content on UK Twitter, Study Finds

Futuristic looking robot looking at a video monitor

Humans May Accept Robot Lies, Depending on the Situation

kitten looking up

Fetching Felines: New Study Reveals 4 in 10 Cats Play Fetch, Challenging Dog Stereotypes


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 "What if we never find dark matter? Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondent...