Scientific American: Technology.
"Lethal AI weapons are on the rise. What's next?" Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 30 April 2024, 2138 UTC. Content and Source: Please scroll down to read your selections. Thanks for joining us today. Russ Roberts ( April 30 —This week, the first woman to receive a mechanical heart pump plus a transplanted pig kidney, a DNA bank for endangered wildlife, and how Soviet-era pseudoscience connects to Havana syndrome. That and more below! - Ben Guarino, Associate Editor, Technology Top Stories How a Cloned Ferret Inspired a DNA Bank for Endangered Species The birth of a cloned black-footed ferret named Elizabeth Ann, and her two new sisters, has sparked a new pilot program to preserve the tissues of hundreds of endangered species “just in case” Cari Shane After Months of Gibber...