Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Newsletter

"Insomnia drug shows promise in preventing opioid addiction."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 10 July 2024, 2316 UTC.

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Read: Insomnia Drug Shows Promise In Preventing Opioid Addiction

Image shows four common forms of Blastocystis hominis - vacuolar, granular, amoeboid, and cyst forms. Image created by Valentia Lim Zhining on May 14th, 2006.

Gut Parasite Linked To Better Health In Global Study Of 50,000+ People

Temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b may be a world completely covered in ice (left) similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa or be an ice world with a liquid substellar ocean and a cloudy atmosphere (centre). LHS 1140 b is 1.7 times the size of our planet Earth (right) and is the most promising habitable zone exoplanet yet in our search for liquid water beyond the Solar System. Image credit: B. Gougeon/Université de Montréal

Astronomers Find Surprising Ice World In The Habitable Zone

Lab mouse.

Scientists Create First Mouse Model With Complete, Functional Human Immune System

Josh Mitteldorf: Inverting The Hard Problem, Part Two

Carbon capturing hydrates created in Vaibhav Bahadur's lab.

Team Develops Fastest Carbon Storage Tech Without Harmful Chemicals

evil looking politician holding a globe in his hands

Politicians: Ambition, Narcissism, And Idealism Drive Success

Illustration of a brain with memories being encoded

New Approach To Parkinson’s Treatment Could Erase ‘Bad Motor Memories’

A man seen from behind

Kinsey Survey Reveals 90% Of Americans Face ‘Sexual Exploitation’

Abstract illustration to accompany brain size article

Human Brain Size Defies Evolutionary Trend

A new tool enables someone to perform complicated statistical analyses on tabular data using just a few keystrokes. Credits:Image: MIT News; iStock

AI Tool Simplifies Complex Database Analysis, Outperforms Neural Networks

Tiny Clusters Of Brain Cells Reveal An Overlooked Protein’s Role In Traumatic Brain Injuries


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