Friday, June 7, 2024 Newsletter

"Webb finds plethora of carbon molecules around young star."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 07 June 2024, 2001 UTC.

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Russ Roberts (


Webb Finds Plethora Of Carbon Molecules Around Young Star

Plus at-home binge eating treatment zaps brain, and UBI could double GDP


Read: Webb Finds Plethora Of Carbon Molecules Around Young Star

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In this image adapted from the figures, the left side shows the chip micrograph, while the right side displays the pixel layout and schematics, highlighting each circuit element. The new pixel circuit uses only two additional transistors (T5 and T6) compared to the conventional CMOS pixel. This minimalist design allows for independent programming of pixel exposures without sacrificing photodiode area to the circuits, ensuring high sensitivity under low light conditions.

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