Monday, August 26, 2024 Newsletter

"Tiny chip translates brain activity directly to text."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 27 August 2024, 0022 UTC.

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Read: Tiny Chip Translates Brain Activity Directly to Text

An infographic showcasing the methodology behind the Simulation-Based Inference of Galaxies (SimBIG) project.

AI Unlocks Hidden Data to Refine Universe’s ‘Settings’

In June 2024, a groundbreaking Alzheimer's research paper was retracted over fraud allegations. Did this mean billions of dollars and countless hours of research were wasted? Maybe not. Today, two promising drugs targeting amyloid beta, the focus of the paper, are available. This video explains the amyloid-beta hypothesis, the fraud, and what’s next.

Retracted Alzheimer’s Paper Reshapes Research Landscape, but Progress Continues

illustration of one neuron lighting up

Thyroid Hormone Rewires Brain to Fuel Exploratory Behavior, Harvard Study Reveals

Two representative theropod tracks from the Koum Basin in northern Cameroon.

Dinosaur Footprints Reveal Ancient Continental Connection Between South America and Africa

Woman holding a bottle of placebo medicine

Placebos reduce stress, anxiety, depression — even when people know they are placebos

3D-printed living cells pave way for tomorrow’s medicine and cruelty-free animal products

Researchers from Waseda University investigated the effects of seven types of light-intensity, short-duration exercises and found that all exercises, except static stretching with monotonous movements, enhance cerebral blood flow and activate multiple regions of the PFC.

Light, Brief Exercises Boost Brain Blood Flow in Children, Study Finds

Suburban traffic

Study Finds Bicycle Rolling-Stop Laws Don’t Compromise Safety for Riders or Motorists

Research Reveals Common Genetic Basis for Problematic Alcohol Use

Brain Changes During Alcohol Recovery May Contribute to Anxiety and Relapse, Study Finds

A snapshot of a computer simulation showing how energy density changes over time in the collision of a lead ion with a photon emitted by another lead ion.

Photon Collisions at LHC May Produce Miniature Drops of Primordial Universe Fluid

Three snow crabs. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Climate Change Behind Sudden Collapse of Alaskan Snow Crab Population

woman at gym

Study Debunks Myth: Exercise Timing Doesn’t Impact Muscle Performance or Blood Sugar Control

Illustration of a man with books for a head

Non-Cognitive Skills Rival Intelligence in Predicting Academic Success, Study Finds

(A) Assistive knee brace, (B) CUHK-EXO, (C) ankle-foot prosthesis, and (D) transfemoral prosthesis

New Technique Improves Control of Lower Limb Assistive Devices

SETI Institute starts first low frequency search for alien technology in distant galaxies

SETI Institute Expands Search for Alien Tech to Distant Galaxies


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