Monday, July 29, 2024

"The latest science, space, and technology news."

Accessed on 29 July 2024, 1432 UTC, 1432 UTC.

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Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents. 

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SciTechDaily Newsletter
The latest science, space, and technology news.
A Flash Like No Other: NASA’s Fermi Detects Unique Energy Peak in Unprecedented Gamma-Ray Burst
2024-07-28 10:13:20 +00:00
Jet Particles Emerges Massive Star

Utilizing data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, researchers discovered a unique energy peak in the aftermath of the brightest Gamma-Ray burst ever seen, suggesting...

Leveraging “Atomic Intelligence” – Researchers Propose Innovative New Method To Drastically Reduce Industrial Emissions
2024-07-28 11:22:07 +00:00
Liquid Gallium Syringe

Researchers suggest methods to reduce increasing industrial emissions, enhancing the sustainability of everyday product manufacturing. Researchers at the University of Sydney have proposed a novel...

Unexpected Efficacy: Experimental Drug Could Help Clear HIV From the Brain
2024-07-28 12:31:46 +00:00
HIV Virus Illustration

The drug may eliminate the virus from concealed regions in the brain by focusing on infected cells, addressing a significant hurdle in HIV treatment. According...

Smoke from Hundreds of Wildfires Darkens Skies Over Canada and the U.S.
2024-07-28 13:40:54 +00:00
North America Black Carbon July 2024

Hundreds of wildland fires lofted sky-dulling smoke over Canada and the United States. In July 2024, wildfires in Canada were exacerbated by extreme heat, winds,...

Nonreciprocal Interactions Go Nonlinear: How Nanoparticles Are Changing the Rules of Physics
2024-07-28 14:31:33 +00:00
Two Particles in Two Laser Beams Are Coupled Nonreciprocally

Predator-Prey Analogy: Novel Interaction Between Particles Enabled Using two optically trapped glass nanoparticles, researchers observed a novel collective Non-Hermitian and nonlinear dynamic driven by nonreciprocal...

H5N1 Avian Flu Now Infecting Cows, Cats, and Raccoons: What You Need To Know
2024-07-28 15:52:31 +00:00
Bird Flu Virus

Cornell University research reveals avian influenza’s mammal-to-mammal transmission in the U.S., involving dairy cattle, cats, and a raccoon, raising concerns about possible mutations and human...

Much Shallower Than Previously Thought: New Study Redefines Marine Boundaries in the Southwest Atlantic
2024-07-28 17:01:08 +00:00
General Ocean Art

Researchers have newly established the vertical boundaries of the subtropical ocean region along the South American coastline. They discovered that the upper boundary of the...

98% Recovery – Scientists Develop New and Improved Battery Recycling Method
2024-07-28 18:10:22 +00:00
High Tech Battery Concept

Scientists have developed a groundbreaking method to recycle lithium-ion batteries by using a magnetic separation technique that efficiently purifies battery materials, maintaining their structural integrity...

Breathing Visualization Boosts Mental Health and Interoception
2024-07-28 19:19:37 +00:00
Breathing Visualization

A new research study shows that enhancing interoception — the ability to perceive and interpret signals from within the body, such as breathing — by...

Magnetic Winds Drive Supermassive Black Hole Growth in Nearby Galaxy
2024-07-28 20:28:21 +00:00
Spiraling Wind Supermassive Black Hole

Newly uncovered process is similar to how stars and planets are born. A Northwestern University study using ALMA Observatory data revealed that rotating magnetic winds...

Scientists Develop Extraordinary Material That Can Transform Sunlight and Water Into Clean Energy
2024-07-28 21:41:34 +00:00
Hydrogen and Oxygen Split Water Electrolysis

Oregon State University researchers have developed a new photocatalyst that efficiently produces hydrogen from sunlight and water, offering a sustainable and potentially cost-effective alternative to...

Could Your Anxiety Lead to Dementia? Here’s the Latest Research
2024-07-28 22:50:41 +00:00
Man Anxiety Close Up Art Concept

Research highlights a significant correlation between persistent and newly developed anxiety and a higher dementia risk in older adults, suggesting that effective anxiety management could...

New Research Deciphers the Complex Diet of Desert Isopods
2024-07-28 23:43:44 +00:00
Isopods Eat Soil Crust

New insights into the dietary habits of desert isopods unveil the multifaceted elements guiding their food selection. The study reveals that these creatures carefully balance...

Cracking the Climate Code: Scientists Unearth Clues From 380 Million Years Ago
2024-07-29 00:36:00 +00:00
Porous Dolomite Rock With Cavities

Rocks undergo transformations over millions of years, but they still hold valuable information about the climate during their formation. Fluids circulating underground gradually alter rocks...

International Planet Hunters Discover Dozens of Strange New Worlds
2024-07-29 03:10:16 +00:00
TESS Keck Survey Catalog

The NASA TESS-Keck Survey provides details on the mass and density of 126 planets. Although thousands of planets have been discovered orbiting other stars, our...

New Zealand’s Endangered Birds Find Refuge in Ancient Moa Habitats
2024-07-29 04:32:29 +00:00
Crested Moa

Research indicates that New Zealand’s endangered flightless birds inhabit regions once populated by extinct moa, emphasizing the conservation value of these minimally human-impacted areas and...

100 Million Times More Difficult: Revolutionary Dual Action Antibiotic Makes Bacterial Resistance Nearly Impossible
2024-07-29 05:31:46 +00:00
Superbug Illustration

A groundbreaking study from the University of Illinois Chicago unveils macrolones, a new type of antibiotic that targets bacteria in two ways, drastically reducing the...

“Miracle” Filter Turns Store-Bought LEDs Into Spintronic Devices
2024-07-29 06:21:11 +00:00
Advanced Electronics Spintronics Art Illustration

The chiral spin filter, crafted from hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskite material, allowed conventional LEDs to manipulate the spin orientation of electrons at room temperature without...

Galaxies in Miniature: Hubble Uncovers a Puzzling Case of Star Birth
2024-07-29 07:30:24 +00:00
Galaxy IC 3430

IC 3430, a dwarf elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster, stands out due to its core of hot blue stars, indicative of recent star formation—a...

Widespread in Wildlife: Tracking the Silent Spread of COVID-19
2024-07-29 09:00:37 +00:00
COVID-19 Virus Wildlife

Tracking the genetic code of the COVID-19 virus revealed that six out of 23 commonly studied wildlife species in Virginia exhibited signs of SARS-CoV-2 infections....

900 Years Ago, One of the Largest Civilizations in the World Was Abandoned – Archaeologists Have Now Discovered New Clues
2024-07-29 09:31:16 +00:00
Cahokia Mounds

The Cahokia Mounds, once a thriving settlement near present-day St. Louis, was abandoned by 1400, leaving behind a mystery. Recent research challenges the long-held belief...

New Research Shatters Old Beliefs About Gold Nanoparticles and Cancer
2024-07-29 10:21:07 +00:00
Gold Nanoparticles Interacting With Cancer Cells

Research overturns old views on gold nanoparticles, showing larger, star-shaped ones are most effective against cancer, leading to a model that improves therapy design. Scientists...

NASA’s Epic Experiment: Solar Sail System Readies Sail Deployment
2024-07-29 11:12:00 +00:00
Advanced Composite Solar Sail System Spacecraft

NASA is readying to deploy a solar sail on its CubeSat, which will test using sunlight for propulsion. The mission, launched from New Zealand, involves...

Early Health Lessons: A Game Changer for Kids’ Waistlines
2024-07-29 12:00:37 +00:00
Child Boy Kid Stomach Fat

Early implementation of school-based health interventions in Madrid public schools significantly curbed abdominal fat accumulation among elementary students, showing the importance of timely health education....

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