Monday, July 29, 2024 Newsletter

"Fatty acids in umbilical cord blood might cause Autism Spectrum Disorder."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 29 July 2024, 2303 UTC.

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Read: Fatty Acids In Umbilical Cord Blood Might Cause Autism Spectrum Disorder

Vegan rye sandwich with fresh avocado, salad,veggies, healthy snack, vitamin and diet food copy space

Vegan Diet Linked To Reduced Biological Age In Short-Term Study


Brain Cell Grafts In Monkeys Jump-Start Human Trial For New Parkinson’s Treatment

Artist’s depiction of the spray of particles arising from the collision of two heavy atoms. As the hot subatomic soup cools, newly formed particles shower off into space.

Discovery Sheds Light On The Origins Of Matter In The Early Universe

Gummy vitamins

Something To Chew On Before You Sink Your Teeth Into Those Gummy Vitamins

NDE illustration

Brain Activity Study In Dying Patients Sparks Debate Among NDE Experts


War-Induced Stress In Animals: Geckos Show Metabolic Spikes During Conflict

Under red light (used to film the bees without disturbing them), with one barcoded bee as detected by the image-analysis software and its personal identification number appears on the screen.

Balanced Diet Crucial For Honeybee Health And Colony Performance

Researchers used a novel phosphate-activation reagent, 2-MeImIm-Cl, in an improved coupling reaction to increase the yield of ADP- or ATP-containing molecules. Unlike traditional reactions, the modified coupling reaction does not require protecting groups, is simple to perform and exhibits high reproducibility.

Chemists Unlock Efficient Way To Create Cellular Energy Molecules

Bright light guided through an optical fibre manufactured at the University of Bath

Novel Optical Fibers Pave The Way For Quantum Internet

Conceptual illustration of this work on bio-inspired water treatment system

Plant-Inspired Polymer Transforms Heavy Metal Removal From Water

Researchers use Optically Pumped Magnetometers to non-invasively measure activity in human cervical nerves. The technology could help medical professionals tailor treatements for inflammatory conditions like sepsis and PTSD.

Researchers Use Non-Invasive Technique To Record Involuntary Nervous System


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