Monday, June 3, 2024 Newsletter

 "New Vitamin D guidelines:  Are you getting enough, or too much?"

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 03 June 2024, 2305 UTC.

Content and Source: Newsletter.

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Russ Roberts (

SciTechDaily Newsletter
The latest science, space, and technology news.
Carbon Capture “Miracle Material” Breakthrough: MOF-525 Can Capture and Convert CO2 Into Useful Chemicals
2024-06-02 10:43:17 +00:00
Refinery Industrial Carbon Capture Concept Art

Researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a scalable method for fabricating MOF-525, a material that can effectively capture and convert carbon dioxide into...

Dissecting the Brain: New Molecular Insights Into PTSD and Depression
2024-06-02 12:15:27 +00:00
Neuroscience Brain Glow Art Illustration

Groundbreaking research identifies key molecular differences in PTSD and depression, paving the way for novel treatments. Stress-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and...

Defying Gravity: Nanostrings That Mimic Quantum Effects at Room Temperature
2024-06-02 13:14:16 +00:00
New Nanostrings That Can Vibrate for a Very Long Time

Researchers from TU Delft and Brown University have developed string-like resonators that can vibrate longer at ambient temperature than any other known solid-state object. Researchers...

Astrophysicists Detect Potential Collisional Dark Matter in “El Gordo”
2024-06-02 14:02:19 +00:00
Dark Matter Experiment Particle Physics Concept Illustration

A new study indicates that dark matter in the “El Gordo” galaxy cluster exhibits collisional properties, challenging the standard model of collisionless dark matter. Contrary...

Scientists Unveil the True Origins of Welsh Dragons – New Fossil Evidence Changes History
2024-06-02 15:18:01 +00:00
Giant Pair of Swimming Ichthyotitan severnensis

Recent fossil findings in Wales have uncovered the tropical habitats of early dinosaurs and provided insights into a complex prehistoric ecosystem, marking a significant advancement...

Startling Statistic: 1 in 8 Older Americans Face Traumatic Brain Injury
2024-06-02 17:23:22 +00:00
Traumatic Brain Injury X Ray

Research indicates that among Medicare enrollees, those who are healthier, wealthier, white, and female could be at a higher risk. According to a study conducted...

Prehistoric Puzzle Piece: Scientists Discover New Species of Dinosaur in Zimbabwe
2024-06-02 18:11:33 +00:00
Musankwa sanyatiensis Leg Bones

A new sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Late Triassic period has been discovered in the Mid-Zambezi Basin, Zimbabwe. A new dinosaur species, Musankwa sanyatiensis, discovered in...

Revolutionizing Molecular Science: Scientists Unveil Groundbreaking Single-Molecule Detection Technique
2024-06-02 19:01:32 +00:00
Microcavity With Two Concave Mirrors

University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists have developed a new, highly sensitive method to detect and analyze single molecules without using fluorescent labels, potentially transforming research in...

Twisting Fury: The Science Behind the EF-4 Tornado That Ravaged Iowa
2024-06-02 19:52:19 +00:00
Brightness Temperature Data Iowa May 2024

During one of the most active U.S. tornado seasons, a powerful EF-4 tornado devastated Greenfield, Iowa, with winds of 185 mph. The destructive tornado destroyed...

Webb Uncovers Most Distant Known Galaxy – “Most Significant Extragalactic Discovery to Date”
2024-06-02 21:11:13 +00:00
JADES-GS-z14-0 Pullout (Webb NIRCam)

Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have discovered the earliest and most distant galaxies known, dating back to just 300 million years after the...

Decoding HIV’s Defenses: Innovative Vaccine Strategy Shows Promise
2024-06-02 22:02:59 +00:00
HIV 1 Virus Particles

Results from NIH-funded animal models will inform the development of vaccines for humans. Using advanced immunological techniques, researchers have effectively activated the immune systems of...

Scientists Unveil the Secret Sex Life of Coral
2024-06-02 22:53:17 +00:00
Acropora Coral Pre-Spawning

A new study utilizing aquarium data has uncovered the key factors that orchestrate mysterious synchronized coral spawning. Corals play an essential role in ocean ecosystems,...

From Ice Age to Geological Wonderland: The Rapid Transformation of Adam’s Inlet
2024-06-02 23:44:12 +00:00
Adam’s Inlet Alaska

Adam’s Inlet, previously covered by thick ice, is now ice-free and features braided rivers, landslide debris, and alluvial fans spread across a dynamic landscape in...

Mediterranean Diet Tied to 23% Lower Risk of Death in Landmark 25-Year Study
2024-06-03 00:55:34 +00:00
Mediterranean Diet Food

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have explored and analyzed the fundamental reasons that might account for the Mediterranean diet’s 23 percent decrease in overall...

Microscopic Marvel: A Photonic Device that Could Change Physics and Lasers Forever
2024-06-03 02:01:22 +00:00
Photonic Topological Insulator

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers have developed the first topological quantum simulator device in the strong light-matter interaction regime that operates at room temperature, revolutionizing quantum...

Tricking the Brain’s Inner GPS: Virtual Reality Study Reveals New Brain Mechanisms
2024-06-03 03:49:28 +00:00
Brain Connections Technology

Researchers have noted grid cell activity in the human brain when self-location illusions are induced by multisensory virtual reality, without changing visual perspectives. Dr. Hyuk-June...

Scientists Race To Perfect New Oral COVID-19 Treatment Poised To Replace Paxlovid
2024-06-03 05:13:16 +00:00
COVID Virus Spread Cells Illustration

Rutgers researchers are advancing a potential new COVID-19 treatment, Jun12682, which is effective in animal studies and compatible with other medications, unlike the current leading...

Hubble Reveals Stunning Galaxy Concealing the Mysteries of Star Formation
2024-06-03 07:23:59 +00:00
Spiral Galaxy NGC 3059

Spiral Galaxy NGC 3059, 57 million light-years away, is imaged using Hubble with a focus on H-alpha emission, revealing star formation. This mesmerizing Hubble Space...

Scientists Identify 8 Lifestyle Factors That Can Slow Biological Aging
2024-06-03 08:20:40 +00:00
Rejuvenation Anti Aging Concept

A new study suggests that higher lifestyle scores could be linked to a positive impact on risk factors for heart disease, potentially influencing the aging...

When Aliens Attack: Experts Warn of Urgent Threat to Global Ecosystems
2024-06-03 09:00:32 +00:00
Quagga Mussels

A team of around 90 international experts advocate urgent action against the escalating threat of invasive species, calling for collaboration across borders and within countries....

Mapping Earth’s Waterways From Space: How SWOT Transforms Flood Forecasting
2024-06-03 09:46:44 +00:00
SWOT Satellite in Earth Orbit

The SWOT satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and CNES, is revolutionizing flood prediction by providing comprehensive data on water heights across nearly all water...

Revolutionizing Neuroscience: Stanford AI Mirrors Brain Organization
2024-06-03 10:31:10 +00:00
Human Brain Artificial Intelligence Drawing

Stanford researchers have developed an AI that replicates brain-like responses to visual stimuli, potentially transforming neuroscience and AI development with implications for energy efficiency and...

Metabolic Manipulators: How Parasitic Archaea Transform Their Hosts From the Inside Out
2024-06-03 11:14:15 +00:00
Parasitic Microbe Feeding Concept Art

Microbiologists from NIOZ have discovered that certain parasitic microbes, specifically a group known as DPANN archaea, not only feed on their hosts but also change...

New Vitamin D Guidelines: Are You Getting Enough, or Too Much?
2024-06-03 12:00:33 +00:00
Vitamin D Deficiency

New Endocrine Society Guideline recommends vitamin D higher than the recommended daily allowance for children, pregnant people, adults over 75, and adults with prediabetes. Healthy...

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 "What if we never find dark matter? Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondent...