Thursday, June 20, 2024 Newsletter

"Ticking Time Bomb:  Space junk eating away at Earth's Ozone Layer."

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.   Accessed on 20 June 2024, 1400 UTC.

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Russ Roberts (


SciTechDaily Newsletter
The latest science, space, and technology news.
Ticking Time Bomb: Space Junk Is Eating Away at Earth’s Ozone Layer
2024-06-19 08:31:11 +00:00
SpaceX Satellite

When internet-providing satellites — now being launched by the thousands — reach the end of their service life, the remnants from their incineration in Earth’s...

Cellular Railroads Guide Healing in the Human Body
2024-06-19 09:00:03 +00:00
Cells Rendering Concept Art

Researchers discovered that specific cells in the human body travel in trains or clusters to repair tissues, guided by a feature called polarity. Looking under...

Researchers Uncover Key to Heart Regeneration After Heart Attacks
2024-06-19 10:05:59 +00:00
Human Heart Attack

New research identifies a possible method to prevent permanent scarring and heart failure after a myocardial infarction. A recent study conducted by researchers at Massachusetts...

Groundbreaking New System Provides Never-Before-Seen Images of the Brain
2024-06-19 11:14:09 +00:00
Human Brain Anatomy Illustration

A new ultra-high-performance brain PET system allows for the direct measurement of brain nuclei as never before seen or quantified. With its ultra-high sensitivity and...

Starliner’s Return Delayed Yet Again: What Lies Ahead for the Spacecraft?
2024-06-19 12:26:30 +00:00
Boeing Starliner Spacecraft Docked to International Space Station

Starliner’s undocking from the ISS is set for June 25, leading to a historic landing at White Sands Space Harbor. The mission teams are analyzing...

The Gray Wolf Effect: How Predator Loss Is Rewriting America’s Ecosystems
2024-06-19 14:00:12 +00:00
Alpha Male, Canyon Pack, Yellowstone National Park

A new study finds that the absence of gray wolves in western US ecosystems has significant ecological impacts, particularly on plant and animal communities. The...

Unraveling the Scientific Mismatch: The Amazon’s Surprising Drought Response
2024-06-19 15:00:49 +00:00
Aerial View of Amazon Rainforest

A research team discovered that the Amazon rainforest’s drought response varies regionally, influenced by local environments and tree traits. Southern Amazon trees with shallow water...

Say Goodbye to Spoiled Food With New Smart Packaging
2024-06-19 15:42:31 +00:00
Gray Mold Bad Strawberry

A team of researchers from McMaster University has invented a suite of tests for food packages that can indicate if the contents are contaminated, aiming...

Feeling Sick After Your COVID Vaccine? According to Scientists, It’s Actually a Good Sign
2024-06-19 16:51:35 +00:00
Vaccine Vial Syringe

A UCSF study suggests that side effects like headaches and chills from COVID-19 vaccines indicate a robust immune response; however, uptake of the vaccine remains...

Poultry Power: Transforming Waste Chicken Fat into Clean Energy
2024-06-19 18:01:15 +00:00
Supercapacitor Energy Storage Device Art Concept

Researchers have developed a novel method to convert chicken fat into carbon-based electrodes for supercapacitors, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials. This innovation not...

Fourier Transform: Quantum Noise’s Newest Nemesis
2024-06-19 19:10:18 +00:00
Particle Physics Plasma Relativity

A collaborative effort between physicists and chemists at the University of Colorado has led to the development of Fourier transform noise spectroscopy. This method simplifies...

Surprising Breakthrough: Prostate Drugs Offer New Hope in Dementia Prevention
2024-06-19 20:00:39 +00:00
Senior Man Puzzle Dementia Concept

Research suggests that drugs for enlarged prostate, like terazosin and doxazosin, may also protect against dementia with Lewy bodies by enhancing brain cell energy production....

New Study Suggests Universal Laws Govern Brain Structure From Mice to Men
2024-06-19 21:16:43 +00:00
Human Brain Neural Network Cerebral Cortex

The brain exhibits structural criticality near phase transitions, consistent across species, potentially guiding the development of new brain models. When a magnet is heated, it...

Mysterious Pink Sand Deposits in Australia Reveal Existence of Previously Unknown Ancient Mountains
2024-06-19 22:48:20 +00:00
Pink Sand on a Beach in Dhilba Guuranda Innes National Park

Australian researchers have discovered that pink garnet sand on South Australian beaches originates from ancient Antarctic mountains, redefining the known geological history and the formation...

The Venom Cure: Ancient Predator Offers New Hope for Kidney Patients
2024-06-19 23:16:25 +00:00
Large Centipede

Although a venomous, 8-inch centipede might seem like a creature from a horror story, it could hold the key to treating kidney disease. A study...

How AI and 3D Printing Are Changing the Way We Grow Food
2024-06-20 00:00:28 +00:00
Sugar Beet Root Model in a Field Trial

Scientists use laser scanning to generate 3D models of the above-ground parts of the sugar beet plant from a crop field, providing a step forward...

Are Plants Smarter Than We Think? Cornell Scientists Uncover Form of Intelligence in Goldenrod Plants
2024-06-20 02:27:39 +00:00
Small Plant Glowing

New research shows that goldenrod plants demonstrate a form of intelligence by adapting their responses to herbivores based on the presence of neighboring plants and...

Cosmic Winds at Warp Speed: How Black Holes Propel Galaxy Evolution
2024-06-20 03:52:49 +00:00
Quasar Wind

A new discovery helps illuminate how active black holes can continuously shape their galaxies by spurring on or snuffing out the development of new stars....

The Chemical Cauldron of Creation: JWST’s Insights Into Protoplanetary Disks
2024-06-20 07:16:56 +00:00
Hydrocarbon Molecules Protoplanetary Disk Around a Very Low-Mass Star

Observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed a high concentration of hydrocarbons in the protoplanetary disk of a young star with very low...

Mini-Universe in a Lab: Creating “Cosmic Fireballs” on Earth
2024-06-20 08:18:54 +00:00
NuSTAR Probes Black Hole Jet Mystery

An international team of scientists has developed a novel way to experimentally produce plasma ‘fireballs’ on Earth. Researchers have successfully generated relativistic electron-positron plasmas in...

Rethinking Carbon Cycling: Key Role of Soil Microbes Uncovered
2024-06-20 09:31:14 +00:00
A New Study Aids in Clarifying the Role of Microbes in the Global Carbon Cycle

A new study aids in clarifying the role of microbes in the global carbon cycle. When soil microbes eat plant matter, the digested food follows...

Your Gut Bacteria Could Save You From Serious Infections
2024-06-20 10:00:16 +00:00
Human Gut Microbiome Illustration

Over a six-year study, researchers identified a link between reduced butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut and increased risk of severe infections. The findings suggest the...

Cutting Costs and Increasing Efficiency: New Catalyst Revolutionizes Hydrogen Production
2024-06-20 10:51:57 +00:00
Oxygen Evolution Reaction Schematic of Iridium Catalyst on Titanium Nitride

A successful demonstration could enhance the production of hydrogen from water. Hydrogen (H2) holds great potential as a fuel to reduce greenhouse gases, particularly when...

Giant Horned Lokiceratops: Remarkable New Dinosaur Unearthed in the Ancient Swamps of Montana
2024-06-20 12:00:31 +00:00
Lokiceratops Artist Rendering Crop

Newly discovered Lokiceratops rangiformis is among the largest and most ornate horned dinosaur ever found, with two huge blade-like horns on the back of its...

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 "What if we never find dark matter? Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondent...