Monday, June 17, 2024

LiveScience-Top Science News

"Planet Nine:  Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?"

Views expressed in this science and technology update are those of the reporters and correspondents.

Accessed on 17 June 2024, 1427 UTC.

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June 17, 2024
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Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?
(Nicholas Forder for Live Science)
Deep in the outer reaches of the solar system — so far away from the known planets that the sun would barely be distinguishable from a nearby star — a massive, icy world may be lurking in the shadows, waiting to be discovered by humanity.

And the day that we finally find this elusive planet may be coming soon, thanks to a state-of-the-art telescope that will begin scanning the sky next year. With the opening of the groundbreaking Vera C. Rubin Observatory in 2025, we may either finally find Planet Nine within the next few years — or rule out the idea for good.
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Gilgamesh flood tablet: A 2,600-year-old text that's eerily similar to the story of Noah's Ark
(World History Archive via Alamy)
The baked clay tablet tells the tale of an epic flood.
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Solar storm slams Mars in eerie new NASA footage
A powerful solar storm in May 2024 created auroras on Mars and provided scientists with crucial information that could aid future crewed missions to the Red Planet.
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Scientists inserted a window in a man's skull to read his brain with ultrasound
(Caltech and University of Southern California)
New research shows it's possible to use ultrasound waves to monitor activity in the human brain.
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Florida shark attacks caused by heat, not scary orcas, experts say
(Julian Gunther via Getty Images)
People had linked recent shark attacks in the Florida panhandle to orca activity in the Gulf. But a combination of dry weather and heat was the real driving force.
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